Dr. Suranji Perera

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Preferred Name:
Dr. Suranji

What are your areas of special interest?
General medicine and surgery, Chronic disease management, Emergency medicine, Women’s health, Men’s health, child and adolescent health.

What languages do you speak?
English, Sinhala (Sri Lankan)

What is your favourite thing about being a GP?
That I am able to work with a vast range of people from all backgrounds and cultures, and I get to assist them in living happy and healthy lives.

What is the one thing you could not go without on a daily basis?
My Husband, as he is the best person that I have ever met. Spending time with him, brings me so much joy.

What is your favourite cuisine?
Sri Lankan rice and curry

What is the most interesting place you have visited?
New Zealand; one of the most beautiful countries I have visited, the highlight was completing a skydive from 16000 ft. such an unforgettable experience

If you were not a GP, what would you be?
I would like to have been an Anaesthetist